Booster l'Autonomie de Votre Enfant

8 Super Tips to Boost Your Child's Autonomy!

Autonomy is that seed of confidence and independence that allows children to flourish. It helps them stand on their own two feet, make decisions and believe in their abilities.

But how to make this little seed grow?

Well, as with a grandmother's recipe, there are a few tips!

8 Super Tips to Boost Your Child's Autonomy!

Tip 1: Do to learn

Doing to learn is one of the main levers!

Good news: explore, touch, participate, do like adults: the younger they are, the more children love to experiment!

This apparent curiosity is in reality a need dictated by their brain to develop their intelligence and autonomy.

For adults, it may seem counterintuitive to let them experiment because their little hands are still clumsy.

However, involving children in daily tasks around the house (cooking, setting the table, doing crafts, etc.) rather than doing everything for them is extremely beneficial for their development.

This stimulates their thinking, builds their self-confidence, improves their attention and develops many other skills.

Tip 2: Reason

When you involve them, don't hesitate to invite them to find solutions for small problems themselves, even if it seems as simple as knowing how to react and what to do if they spilled a glass of water.

These little problems are sometimes puzzles suitable for children.

By learning to solve them today, they will develop the mental gymnastics necessary to deal with more complex problems when they are adults.

Tip 3: Maximize the power of imitation

Children observe us and imitate our actions. This natural tendency can be turned into a learning opportunity for them.

For example, showing them how to do it, then letting them try it on their own, then gradually decreasing the amount of help provided.

Tip 4: Celebrate “Oops”

Being wrong, few of us like that. However, mistakes are essential and an integral part of learning. They are the ones who make us progress.

A broken glass? A crushed egg? All of these incidents are perfect opportunities to help your child think and find solutions.

Each mistake represents a step towards success. Feel free to demystify them, as they are part of the process .

Tip 5: Encourage Effort

We often tend to focus on the results of an effort. However, in learning, it is the journey taken that matters most.

Highlighting the process helps give children clear indications about their behavior and effective strategies to adopt. This promotes adaptive learning, reinforces a sense of competence and develops self-confidence.

Research shows that descriptive and specific feedback, rather than global assessments, makes a difference. They provide children with precise information about their actions and the strategies to use, thus facilitating their progress.

Tip 6: Accept challenges

Activities that are slightly above children's current skills, but doable with a little help, are ideal. This taps into the zone of proximal development, encouraging children to stretch themselves and learn new things. Motivation, commitment and progress guaranteed! So, don’t hesitate to offer them slightly ambitious but accessible challenges.

Tip 7: Adapt the environment

Creating a suitable environment allows children to become more independent. When possible, do not hesitate to adapt their environment so that they can fend for themselves: a coat rack at their height, a small stool in the kitchen to access the work surface, and storage within their reach so that they can find and put away their toys with the minimum of help.

A little extra tip: stick a photo of the toy on the drawer where it should be stored. This simplifies storage! Test and tell us if it works for you too!

Tip 8: Within reach

Certain elements placed at child height can greatly encourage children's autonomy. Arranging certain key elements of the house on their scale makes their daily lives easier and allows them to become more independent. For example, plates in a low cupboard to set the table and an accessible pitcher of water so they can help themselves are simple but effective arrangements.

Tip 9: Visual cues

Visual cues are valuable support for children's autonomy, helping them navigate their daily routines more independently. These visual aids reassure them and guide them discreetly, while repetition transforms these actions into habits.

    In summary :

    By inviting children to participate, celebrating their little steps (and missteps!), and adapting your world a little to their size, you pave the way for them to be independent and self-confident.

    With a little patience and lots of encouragement, they will amaze you!



    Rossmann (2015). “Involving Children in Household Tasks: Is It Worth the Effort?”

    Luca Bonini, Cristina Rotunno, Edoardo Arcuri, Vittorio Gallese, et al. (2022). Mirror neurons 30 years later: implications and applications. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

    Schultz, W., (2016). Dopamine reward prediction error coding. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience.

    Stanislas Dehaene, Learn!: The talents of the brain, the challenge of machines.


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